Saturday, November 2, 2019


Image result for picture of methylated spirit

Methylated Spirit is one of the most important antiseptics used in the medical field. It is produced using a family of organic compounds called alkanols.
Two types of methylated spirit are found in the market - ethanol and isopropanol based.

You can produce either of the two types by mixing either 95vol% of  ethanol and 5vol% of Methanol or 95vol% of isopropanol and 5vol% of Methanol.

The important thing to note when producing methylated spirit is the source of the chemicals. Care should be taken not to buy adulterated chemicals for the production.
For those that would not go into production of methylated spirit, it is also important that you have studied this formulation since most producers would increase the quantity of methanol in the production against the active alkanols - since methanol is the cheapest of all the chemicals in this formulation. So buy methylated spirits from trusted vendors.

                Uses of Methylated Spirit

Methylated spirit, or denatured alcohol, is a mixture of ethyl and methyl alcohols. Ethyl alcohol, commonly called ethanol or grain alcohol, is the alcohol found in adult beverages.
It is a powerful and potentially addicting intoxicant, but serves many other useful purposes. Methyl alcohol, also known as methanol or wood alcohol, is poisonous and renders ethyl alcohol undrinkable. Though not suitable for drinking, methylated spirit retains ethyl alcohol's ability to perform other useful functions.

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1 comment:

  1. Samuel ToluwalaseMay 9, 2022 at 11:58 AM

    is there any noticeable difference in quality between using ethanol or IPA as regards the final product?
