Sunday, November 3, 2019

Organic Jelly with Coconut Oil-Sheabutter Blend

I present to you this Jelly that I produced by blending coconut oil and sheabutter.

Many cleansers on the market today are made with harsh chemicals that strip the skin of its natural oils, which often leads to skin issues such as acne and clogged pores. Coconut oil is used in many natural face products and for good reason: it’s naturally anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and moisturizing. Coconut oil is composed primarily of nourishing fatty acids and is especially high in lauric acid. It also contains vitamin E and healthy fats, which help to make skin smooth. 

Shea butter has been proven to have extensive anti-inflammatory properties. Redness and swelling on your face may be calmed by applying shea butter products. The rich tree-nut oils in shea butter can soak into your skin, creating a smooth and soft barrier that seals in moisture. This moisturizing effect can last several hours. hea butter has also been reported to have anti-aging properties. If true, the exact mechanism isn’t well-known and may be related to promoting collagen production or decreasing the breakdown of collagen that’s already present.


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